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Welcome to ENTSOG’s  European Gas Flow dashboard!

ENTSOG has created a dashboard to support stakeholders and policy makers to better understand and use data in relation to European gas flows, LNG, and storages.

The information presented in the dashboard is sourced from ENTSOG’s Transparency Platform and GIE’s AGSI Transparency Platform. It is presented in an aggregated form based on the gas supply corridors and risk groups as defined in the Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2017 concerning measures to safeguard the security of gas supply and repealing Regulation (EU) No 994/2010 (so-called SoS Regulation) to ensure coherence with the terminology most often used by participants of the European gas sector.

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How to navigate

The dashboard includes maps and charts of daily gas flows in Europe, and the evolution of gas storage stock level compared to ENTSOG seasonal supply outlook simulations. The results are presented in dedicated pages.

On the dashboard map below, each supply route is represented by a different colour. Circles represent the country (or source) which are connected by lines representing the gas flows. Please note that locations are indicative. By placing a curser on a line it is possible to identify daily flows and  capacity.

You can use the filters to view one specific day or a dedicated period. Placing a curser on charts will allow values for a specific day to be viewable.

It is also possible to view the maps and charts in a dedicated window by clicking on ‘view in separate window’ tab below the map.

Gas flow dashboard

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Color Codes:

East gas supply – pipeline gas flows from Russia, Belarus, Turkey to the EU Members States and Ukraine.

East gas supply – pipeline gas flows from Ukraine to the EU Members States (gas which might be originated in Russian and transported via Ukraine to Europe; gas originated in Ukraine; gas of European shippers which was stored in underground facilities in Ukraine and transported back to the EU Member States, gas transported between EU MSs via Ukraine).

North Sea gas supply – pipeline gas flows from Norway to the EU Member States and gas flows to the UK via IP Easington and ST. Fergus (gas originated in Norway and the United Kingdom).

North African gas supply – pipeline gas flows from Algeria (including flows via Tunisia and Morocco) and Libya to the EU Member States, and gas flows to Marocco.

LNG gas supply – gas flows from LNG terminals in the EU to a relevant EU Member State.

LNG (UK) gas supply – gas flows from LNG terminals located in the UK.

Caspian gas supply – gas flows via TANAP and TAP pipelines (gas originated in Azerbaijan) to the EU Members States.

UK gas supply – gas flows from the UK to Belgium, the Netherlands, and Ireland.

Gas flows from Ireland, Belgium and the Netherland to the UK.

Gas flows from underground storage facilities located in the EU to the EU Member States.

Gas flows from the EU Members States to Serbia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Switzerland, and North Macedonia.



Country (or source)


GWh/d = Gigawatt hour per day

LNG = Liquified Natural Gas

TWh = Terawatt hour

SoS = Security of Supply

Gas storage dashboard (based on GIE AGSI data)

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Important Information

The platform is provided for informative and indicative purposes only.

Data aggregation solutions (i.e., graphs, maps illustrations, legends and summaries) are developed by ENTSOG in coordination with ENTSOG members. Note that ENTSOG’s approach to data aggregation and display as well as possible limitation to data completeness on ENTSOG’s transparency and GIE AGSI+ platforms (which does not cover all storage facilities in the EU), may result in  some differences with other gas market publication platforms or aggregators. More information about gas flows can be found in detail on ENTSOG Transparency platform.

The platform is usually updated daily, though some delays may occur due to technical issues.


The information on this page was prepared in a professional and workmanlike manner by ENTSOG on the basis of information collected from ENTSOG Transparency Platform and GIE AGSI+ data on a best effort basis and with a pre-defined update frequency that does not correlate to real-time data. These data and information are published for informative and indicative purposes only. All content is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind as to the completeness, accuracy, fitness for any particular purpose or any use of results based on this information and ENTSOG hereby expressly disclaims all warranties and representations, whether expressly or implied, including without limitation, warranties or representations of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The content and the information included does not represent any position of ENTOSG and/or ENTSOG members.

ENTSOG is not liable for any consequence resulting from the reliance and/or the use of any information hereby provided. The reader in its capacity as professional individual or entity shall be responsible for seeking to verify the accurate and relevant information needed for its own assessment and decision and shall be responsible for use of the document or any part of it for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. ENTSOG assumes no liability for the content of external links to other websites. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

This publication and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
